Légende d'Automne

I support the creation of a new park



To get the look and feel, we suggest
to start with a short visit to the park.
Then, in a second step, discover
the information of this site.

Seeing through touch

For many years, Sara.H, sculptor had a dream: to make her work accessible to visually impaired people. Thus offering them the opportunity to explore art with their hands instead of understanding it through the eyes of somebody else.

The idea of « Seeing through touch » was born 2006 and the first project created in 2015: sculpture parks in bronze, dedicated to impaired people and in particularly to the blind. Those places of exchange and communication should be freely accessible at any time to the whole population.

The projects fully respond to the requirements of article 30 of the 2008 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, particularly with regard to sensory and intellectual mobility, in order to improve the beneficiaries’ autonomy.

A unique concept

The work of art is one of a kind. Instead of a single sculpture it offers a line of sixteen, twenty or more to discover during a simple walk. Each sculpture comes with explanations in conventional and Braille writing.


The work is displayed in an easily accessible and urban open space, enhancing exchange between people in an environment that removes barriers of age, nationality and society.

The goal is definitely not a temporary exhibition but a long term installation. This also determines the choice of the material, bronze: noble, timeless and lasting.

Realisations & projects

Légende d’Automne - Autumn Legend
his first park has been installed at Lausanne /Switzerland in 2015

L’Arbre Musicien - Musician Tree
Creation of the second park is planned at Sion /Switzerland in 2022

Human Rights Sculpture Park
A project in preparation in California /USA
and in Switzerland
Discover in California
Discover in Switzerland

sculpture l'arbre musicien
Je suis bouleversée par ces sculptures en bronze qui tiennent compte avec finesse, sensibilité, tact et poésie, des approches pédagogiques du braille, du relief, du toucher, de la sécurité dans la découverte. Nous qui sommes au service des élèves aveugles ou malvoyants de 0 à 20 ans, tout nous parle!
- Isabelle Mathis, Ancienne Directrice CPHV, Lausanne